Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima ( Tamsui Catholic Church )

Home Deaneries and Parishes 4th Deanery Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima ( Tamsui Catholic Church )
  • Parish Priest

    Priest Rev. Joseph KABONGO NTALAJA, CICM

    TEL:(02) 2620-4374


    Addr:No.218, Qingshui St., Tamsui Dist., New Taipei City 251037



Weekday Mass :

Mon.~Fri. 7:30am

Sacred Heart of Jesus Mass: 1st Fri. 7:30pm

Eucharistic Adoration: 1st Fri. 7:30am

Sunday Mass :

Sun. 9:00am
Sun. 11:00am/English
Sun. 5:30pm/Vietnamese

Parish Introduction

Notice: Sunday mass in English for the public resumes from August 14.
But the legal limit of 50 people will be kept on a first-come, first-serve basis.

FB粉絲專頁: 法蒂瑪聖母朝聖地/淡水天主堂