瑞芳天主堂歷史: A Glance through the Past of Ruifang Church History
1953 |
比利時方濟會聖若瑟省會士,向弘道神父到達瑞芳,開始福傳及建立信友團體。 |
Rev. Fr. Generosus Van Nieuwen Huyse OFM (弘道神父) belonging to the St. Joseph’s Province of Belgium Franciscan Congregation arrives at Ruifang for the Evangelization and establishment of the Catholic Community. |
1953.09.24 |
向弘道神父在逢甲路租用小房子,在瑞芳開教,擔任(第一)主任司鐸(1953-1984)。 |
Rev. Fr. Generosus rents a small house at Ruifang feng jia Road and thus began the first Catholic Community at Ruifang. He assumes the responsibility as the first Parish Priest. |
1954 |
在中正路購買500坪的土地,用於新教堂的建設,工程開工。 |
A new piece of land of 500 ping at Zhong zheng Road is purchased for the construction of the new Church and the construction begins. |
1956.05.01 |
舉行新聖堂落成典禮,台北總教區郭若石總主教主持祝聖典禮。聖堂名為中華之后堂 (地址: 台北縣, 瑞芳鎮, 中正路, 63號) 。 |
The newly built Church building is blessed by Most Rev. Joseph Kuo, the first Archbishop of Taipei (1952-1959). The Church is named as Mary, Queen of China Church. |
1978.10.31 |
慶祝瑞芳天主堂建立25週年慶典。 |
Celebration of the 25th Year of the Foundation of Ruifang Catholic Church. |
1984.11.28 |
向弘道神父為瑞芳天主堂服務31年之後,安息主懷,享年92歲。 |
After having served the Catholic Community of Ruifang for 31 Years, at the age of 92, Rev. Fr. Generosus is called to the eternal rest. |
1985.01月 |
比利時方濟會士戴立林神父接任(第二)主任司鐸(1985-2005)。 |
Rev. Fr. Ernest Dellile OFM (戴立林神父) belonging to the Belgium Franciscan Congregation assumes the responsibility as the second Parish Priest. |
1995 |
新教堂大樓工程開工。 |
Begin the construction of the New Church Building. |
1998.02.08 |
舉行新教堂大樓落成典禮,由台北總教區狄剛總主教主禮祝聖典禮。(地址: 台北縣, 瑞芳鎮, 民生街,3巷,3號)。 |
The newly constructed Church building is blessed by Most Rev. Joseph TI Kang, the fifth Archbishop of Taipei (1989-2004). |
2005.12.13 |
戴立林神父為瑞芳天主堂服務20年之後,蒙主恩召,享年73歲。 |
After having served the Catholic Community of Ruifang for 20 Years, at the age of 73, Rev. Fr. Ernest Dellile OFM is called to the eternal rest. |
2006.01.14 |
於瑞芳國小大禮堂舉行戴立林神父殯葬彌撒,後發引安葬於大溪方濟墓園。 |
Funeral Mass is held for Rev. Fr. Ernest Dellile at Ruifang Elementary School Auditorium and the mortal remains are buried in Daxi Franciscan cemetery. |
2006-02月 |
教區黃斯勝神父接任(第三)主任司鐸(2006-2007)。 |
Rev. Fr. Stephen Huang (黃斯勝神父) belonging to the Archdiocese of Taipei assumes the responsibility as the third Parish Priest. |
2007.03. 16 |
聖母聖心會華瑞禮神父接任(第四)主任司鐸(2007-2009)。 |
Rev. Fr. Pierre Wavreille, CICM (華瑞禮神父) belonging to the Congregation of CICM Missionaries, assumes the responsibility as the fourth Parish Priest. |
2010.02.06 |
教區安立德神父接任(第五)主任司鐸(2010-2013)。 |
Rev. Fr. James Elliott(安立德神父) belonging to the Archdiocese of Taipei, assumes the responsibility as the fifth Parish Priest. |
2013.01.06 |
聖母聖心愛子會杜仁神父接任(第六)主任司鐸(2013-2016)。 |
Rev. Fr. Arturo Morales CMF (杜仁神父) belonging to the Congregation of Claretian Missionaries assumes the responsibility as the sixth Parish Priest. |
2013.10.19 |
慶祝六十周年堂慶; 聖堂更名為耶穌聖母聖心堂;由台北總教區洪山川總主教主持堂慶典禮。 |
Celebration of the 60th Parish Feast. The Church is renamed as Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary Catholic Church. Most Rev. John Shan-Chuan, the Archbishop of Taipei presides over the Eucharistic Celebration. |
2016.07.17 |
聖母聖心愛子會古立德神父接任(第七) 主任司鐸(2016-迄今)。 |
Rev. Fr. Mathew (Liju) Kuriath CMF (古立德神父) belonging to the Congregation of Claretian Missionaries assumes the responsibility as the seventh Parish Priest. |
2018.06.16 |
隆重慶祝開教65週年與堂慶; 由台北總教區洪山川總主教主禮堂慶感恩祭典彌撒。 |
Solemn Celebration of the 65th Year of the Foundation of Ruifang Catholic Church and the Parish Feast. Most Rev. John Shan-Chuan, the seventh and current Archbishop of Taipei (2007-Present) presides over the Eucharistic Celebration. |